Financial Assistance
- Texas A&M University offers many financial aid options to help pay tuition and fees including scholarships, loans, grants and work-study programs.
- Tuition and fees are determined by Texas A&M Student Business Services.
“For a better understanding of your total cost of attendance (COA), please visit our cost and tuition rates webpage ( This webpage will provide you with an opportunity to review estimated COA information for undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as other resources such as the tuition calculator and billing and fee explanations.”
Special Education undergraduate students are eligible to receive any of three dedicated scholarships:
- State of Texas Special Education Recruitment and Retention Grant Scholarships
- Glenn G. & Sharon L. Gibson Scholarship
- Andrea E. McKenna ’08 Memorial Scholarship
Students in the Bilingual Education program are also eligible for the following scholarships:
- TEACH Grant Program
- Texas Educational Aide Exemption
- Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- The Gates Millennium Scholar Program
Visit Aggie One Stop to learn more about Scholarships and Financial Aid offered by the University.
Heather Bradley Scholarship
- First-year students in Special Education, School Counseling and School Psychology
- $1,000 (minimum) per academic year
The majority of EPSY graduate students have GA positions either with the department, a grant or research project, or another department at Texas A&M University. Many GA positions available in EPSY are course supported and are usually filled by more experienced students; however, a GA position is not guaranteed. Non-departmental Graduate assistantship (GA) opportunities may be posted on Jobs for Aggies.
If an out-of-state student is awarded any competitive Texas A&M scholarship or fellowship of $1,000.00 or more, the student will be allowed to pay in-state tuition rates for the academic year, which can provide an overall savings of $7,000 -$10,000 over the course of the academic year.