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The Department OF Educational Psychology

The Department of Educational Psychology (EPSY) is home to a variety of interrelated disciplines and degree options focused on human development and well-being in educational and community contexts. Our undergraduate programs prepare students to work with children and youth in a variety of community and school contexts. We also offer a range of professional master’s degrees geared towards professionals in schools, communities, and the corporate world. For those interested in doctoral studies we offer Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and School Psychology.

Program Areas to choose from

Educational Psychology, US News & World Report 2023

Number of Online Courses Available

Former Student Highlight

Educational Psychology Programs



EPSY offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Education and University Studies, with one of three focuses.


Graduate Programs

The department of Educational Psychology offers a range of professional graduate degree programs.



EPSY offers a variety of online programs and courses.

Educational Psychology Teacher Teaching Students


Undergraduate students have the opportunity to complete certificate programs while completing their degree requirements.

Educational Psychology

Creative Studies Minor

Minor in Creative Studies

The Department of Educational Psychology offers a 15 credit hour minor in Creative Studies. This minor provides students with increased knowledge and understanding of how creative and innovative thinking can be applied to one’s professional and personal life. 

Creative Studies Application

  1. Complete the Application, 
  2. Obtain a signature from Dr. Joyce Juntune (704 Harrington).
  3. Once signed, submit the application to your academic advisor, who will approve the minor and add it to your student account.

Students applying for a minor in Creative Studies must have an overall GPR of 2.0 or better.

Creative Studies Coursework

The Creative Studies minor is 15 credit hours, consisting of six hours of required coursework and nine hours of additional courses, to be chosen by the student. Students must have a C grade or above in all Creative Studies courses to qualify for graduation with the minor.

Students may work as a counselor with the summer Youth Adventure Program camp for credit hours. Contact Dr. Jay Woodward for more information.

Minor Coursework


Program Requirements

Required courses
EPSY 430 Creativity Theories in Research 3
Lateral Thinking 3
Select one of the following options: 9
Option 1
Select three of the following:
Design Process
EPSY 431 Personal Creativity and Giftedness
EPSY 432 Creativity and Creative Problem Solving
EPSY 485 Directed Studies
Option 2
Select two of the following:
ENDS 101 Design Process
EPSY 431 Personal Creativity and Giftedness
EPSY 432 Creativity and Creative Problem Solving
EPSY 485 Directed Studies
Select one of the following:
ARTS 111 Design Process
ARTS 115 Drawing for Visualization
ENDS 115 Design Communication Foundations
ENGL 347 Writers’ Workshop: Prose
ENGL 348 Writers’ Workshop: Poetry
EPSY 459 Practicum in Educating the Gifted and Talented
HORT 203 Floral Design
MKTG 345 Social Media and Public Relations
MKTG 442 Innovation and Product Management
Total Semester Credit Hours 15

Contact Advisors

Katie Coley

Undergraduate Academic Advising Coordinator

View Directory Profile

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