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The Department OF Educational Psychology

The Department of Educational Psychology (EPSY) is home to a variety of interrelated disciplines and degree options focused on human development and well-being in educational and community contexts. Our undergraduate programs prepare students to work with children and youth in a variety of community and school contexts. We also offer a range of professional master’s degrees geared towards professionals in schools, communities, and the corporate world. For those interested in doctoral studies we offer Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and School Psychology.

Program Areas to choose from

Educational Psychology, US News & World Report 2023

Number of Online Courses Available

Former Student Highlight

Educational Psychology Programs



EPSY offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Education and University Studies, with one of three focuses.


Graduate Programs

The department of Educational Psychology offers a range of professional graduate degree programs.



EPSY offers a variety of online programs and courses.

Educational Psychology Teacher Teaching Students


Undergraduate students have the opportunity to complete certificate programs while completing their degree requirements.

Gagne Lab News

Lab News

  • Fall 2018: Kaelyn Barker, entered the master’s program in Developmental Sciences and joins the Lab.
  • Fall 2017: Dr. Gagne and Ogechi Nwadinobi moved to Texas A&M to continue their work in the Department of Educational Psychology. The longitudinal follow-up to the Texas Family Study and all LAB-TAB/TBAQR consultation will continue at Texas A&M.
  • 2017-2019: A Comprehensive Investigation of Early Self-Control Development and School Readiness (Texas A&M University CEHD Catapult Grant)-P.I. (Total Budget: $29,330.48). Data collection for this study (SCD Study) began on fall 2018.
  • 2018-2019: Influence of Early Life Stress on Multiple Memory Systems in Animals and Humans (T3: Texas A&M Triads for Transformation)-Co-P.I. (Total Budget: $30,000). Dr. Gagne is involved in a collaboration with two memory researchers from the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences.
  • 2017-2019 : Texas A&M University, CEHD of Education and Human Development CEHD Undergraduate Student Research Initiative (USRI). Description: Provides support for one student worker for 10 hours per week for one year.


  • Gagne, J. R., Liew, J. & *Nwadinobi, O. (2021). How does the broader construct of self-regulation relate to emotion regulation in young children? Developmental Review, 60, online.
  • Gagne, J.R., *Barker, K., Chang, C., *Nwadinobi, O.K & Kwok, O. (2021). A multi-theoretical and multi-method family study approach to preschool inhibitory control: Links to working memory, receptive vocabulary, behavioral maladjustment and parent mental health in the context of temperament and executive functioning perspectives. Special issue “Reconciling Executive Function and Self-Regulation” in Frontiers in Psychology: Developmental Psychology, online.
  • Faisca, L., Ferreira, L. I., Fernandes, C. C., Gagne, J. R. & Martins, A. T. (2021). Behavioral inhibition in childhood: European Portuguese adaptation of an observational measure (Lab-TAB). Children, 8, 162.
  • *Nwadinobi, O. K. & Gagne, J. R. (2021). Preschool anger, activity level and inhibitory control and maternal characteristics as predictors of child behavior problems. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 66, 339-365
  • Gagne, J. R. & Goldsmith, H. H. (2021). Development of Temperament in Infancy and Childhood. In K. Saudino & J. Ganiban (Eds.), Behavioral Genetics of Temperament and Personality (pp. 3-40). New York: Springer.
  • Gagne, J. R., Saudino, K. J., & Asherson, P. (2020). A twin study of inhibitory control at age two and ADHD behavior problems at age three. Behavior Genetics, 50, 289-300.
  • Schmidt, N. L., Brooker, R. J., Carroll, I. C., Gagne, J. R., Luo, Z., Moore, M. N., Planalp, E. M., Sarkisian, K., Schmidt, C. A., Van Hulle, C. A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2019).  Longitudinal Research at the Interface of Affective Neuroscience, Developmental Psychopathology, Health, and Behavioral Genetics: Findings from the Wisconsin Twin Project. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22, 233-239.

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